Social Media Advertising Tips For Beginners

Pick the Right Platform

If you don’t publish the right message on the right platform at the right time, you won’t find the right audience. It’s essential that every message you send is crafted for your target audience and posted on the platform that makes the most sense.

The same applies to pay-per-click advertising. Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are the most-used ad networks—but which to choose? Discover the features that differentiate the two and how to utilize them to drive results for your business.

Use an Engagement Tracker to Optimize Engagement

Keeping up with the engagement on your Facebook ads is critical to achieving optimal results. By implementing a simple engagement tool, you can streamline the management process, save yourself time, and keep your audience of potential customers happy.

Tip number 23 is to use an engagement tracking tool to dramatically improve your Facebook ad engagement management and improve your marketing strategy.

Continually Explore New Ways to Increase Conversions

The digital landscape is constantly changing, so it’s imperative that us marketers are willing to learn and adapt. Take time every few months to evaluate your conversion rates across different platforms.

Check out our resource on increasing Facebook conversions for a how-to guide to retargeting ads for ecommerce businesses.

Push Beyond Your Comfort Zone With Advanced Tactics

Most marketers have a basic understanding of the platforms they should have their hand in and the generic skills needed to compete in the market. It’s time for you to learn advanced tactics that will help you participate in a higher level of advertising and be truly successful in your efforts—starting with Facebook.

Develop a Powerful Strategy

Powerful tactics are great, but when it comes to digital marketing, developing a powerful strategy is what will help you find extreme success. As a dynamic and authoritative marketing tool, Facebook is a great place to start your strategic planning.

As sophisticated Facebook marketers let’s make a vow, right here and now, to put an end to mindless Facebook ad generation. From this day forward we enter into any and all Facebook marketing activities with a strategy in place—sound good?

Avoid Audience Overlap

So many marketers waste money paying for two (or more) ad sets that fight for the same audience’s attention. Audience overlap is an easily avoidable mistake that no company should be falling victim to. With a few simple tweaks to your existing ad strategy you’ll be able to avoid paying more and receiving less.

Don’t Misread Your Reporting

Facebook (and the rest of the online world) is very unique because it gives us the ability to very accurately track the results of our advertising. The key is knowing how to track conversions effectively and avoid reading the data incorrectly. If you misread your reporting, you will make poor decisions based off of false results and hinder your marketing strategy. Learn how to avoid the most common mistakes in our online guide, The Number One Issue in Reading Facebook Reports.

Create Better Graphics for Your Ads

Digital advertising is SUPER effective … if you know how to create the right ad images, that is. Without compelling visuals, social media ads are not going to be nearly as successful. Not to fear, we’ve come up with a list of some seriously powerful tips that will help take your ads from average to outstanding.

Build Better Landing Pages for Your Ads

We see too many brands spending tons of time and money promoting content or creating ads that drive clicks, then sending them to a boring, confusing, or otherwise disengaging landing page. Don’t fall into this preventable trap—learn how to create compelling landing pages that buyers will love being led to after clicking on your awesome ad.

Move BEYOND Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager’s usability makes it quite easy to get comfortable. That’s why tip number 31 is to move beyond the security blanket it provides and explore the most effective way to create and manage ads—the Power Editor.

Facebook’s Power Editor is what the pros use to manage ad campaigns. And as the name implies, it’s a powerful tool to be used in the creation and management of ads. Learn how to use the Power Editor in this comprehensive guide: Facebook Power Editor: The Complete Guide.

Learn How to Scale Like a PRO

You should always understand the behavior of a campaign before throwing a ton of money behind it. Scaling Facebook ads is a necessary skill to get the most for your ad spend and increase your ROI.

The trick is to make small changes, one at a time, incrementally. Discover all the questions to ask yourself as you go through the scaling process.

Track Cart Abandonment

You should not look at abandoned carts as a flaw in your product, but rather, as valuable insight that can help you understand your shopper. By filling their cart, your buyer has showed you the exact items they are interested in.

So now what? It’s time to use Facebook retargeting to reel them back in.

Understand Your Threshold for Success

It’s important to understand that just because you CAN conduct a successful and widespread ad campaign, doesn’t necessarily mean you SHOULD. While rapid business growth is (or should be) the dream of every company, it can also be detrimental to its longevity if they aren’t properly prepared for an influx of business.

Successful demand generation can cause a massive rapid growth problem. Tip number 34 is to learn how to tackle this problem and deliver on your promises.

Use Social Media to Keep Customers Happy

Social media has become a valuable venting space for disappointed customers to air their grievances. When potential buyers search your company’s name on Twitter or Facebook, you don’t want hundreds of angry tweets and posts to be the first thing they see. If a customer isn’t happy with your brand and takes to social media, it can be detrimental to your reputation.

Whether you need to create or refine a digital servicing strategy, or simply skill up teams responsible for social media customer service, you can enable yourself to evaluate the business benefits and work through the operational challenges of providing excellent customer service in social media.

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