Tag: Books

13 of the Best Books on Freelancing You May Ever Read

13 of the Best Books on Freelancing You May Ever Read. What are the best books on freelancing? Whether you’re a veteran freelancer or just starting out, you need resources to help you on your journey. Luckily, there are plenty of seasoned freelancers and business owners who have shared their experiences. If you’re looking for freelancing resources to improve your business, fix pain points, or stay on track, we’ve compiled a few to share with you. Want to know more? Read on! 1. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen Your freelance business lives or dies by your level of…

30 Customer Service Books Everyone at Your Company Should Read

30 Customer Service Books Everyone at Your Company Should Read Every person at a company should have customer service as a priority, whether they’re the CEO or a front-line support agent. We’ve collected 30 of the best customer service books, some that take a broad look at various aspects and others that drill down into niche topics. You’ll learn plenty while you’re on-the-job, but books pack in years of experience, research and real-life examples you can only get from a seasoned pro. 1. The Amazement Revolution: Seven Customer Service Strategies to Create an Amazing Customer (and Employee) Experience Authored by…

12 Social Media Books Website Owners Should Be Reading In 2021

12 Social Media Books Website Owners Should Be Reading In 2021 If you want to increase traffic to your website, social media is invaluable. It puts your potential readers (and customers) one click away from content or products you know they’ll love. And beyond that, social media gives you a way to spread your brand, listen to what customers are saying and provide stellar customer service. While you may already have profiles on the major social platforms, you may not be harnessing their true power. These business-minded marketing books will help you get more out of the time, effort and…