Tag: Facebook

5 Social Messaging Apps to Boost Audience Engagement

5 Social Messaging Apps to Boost Audience Engagement. Social messaging apps are great for engaging with your audience and providing customer service to users who need it. Messaging apps can provide a more personal touch for audience members who have questions or need assistance from you or a member of your customer support team. However, before we jump into the best apps for starting conversations with your audience, let’s look at what they are and how they can help businesses. What Are Social Messaging Apps? Social messaging apps are desktop and mobile apps that enable you or members of your…

8 Best Facebook Marketing Tools

8 Best Facebook Marketing Tools Facebook is one of the largest and most popular social networking platforms on the web. It boasts over 2.6 billion active users. 1.73 billion of those visit the site every day. If you don’t have a Facebook marketing strategy and an arsenal of key tools to support it, you’re probably missing out on what is possibly the biggest online audience in the world. Using quality Facebook marketing tools can make it much easier to reach your intended audience. In this article, we’ll introduce you to eight solutions you can try. Let’s get to it! 1. Facebook Audience Insights First, let’s…

Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

1. Start with a plan Social tools are easy to use and you can get started with organic posts for free. That might make it tempting to dive in and just start posting. But like every good business strategy, using social media for small business success needs to start with a good plan. Without a plan, you have no clear goal for what you’re trying to achieve. That means there’s no way to measure your results. Take the time to create a social media plan right upfront. This ensures that all your social efforts support specific business goals. Here are…