Tag: Freelancer

13 of the Best Books on Freelancing You May Ever Read

13 of the Best Books on Freelancing You May Ever Read. What are the best books on freelancing? Whether you’re a veteran freelancer or just starting out, you need resources to help you on your journey. Luckily, there are plenty of seasoned freelancers and business owners who have shared their experiences. If you’re looking for freelancing resources to improve your business, fix pain points, or stay on track, we’ve compiled a few to share with you. Want to know more? Read on! 1. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen Your freelance business lives or dies by your level of…

5 Cash Flow Tips for Freelancers

5 Cash Flow Tips for Freelancers. If you run a business, you want more money coming in than the amount going out – that much is a given. When you work as a contractor, you need to think of yourself as a company if you’re going to scale. That means taking steps to ensure you maintain a positive freelance cash flow. In this article, we’re going to break down why financial management is a critical skill for freelancers. Then we’ll go over five tips to improve your cash flow and keep your head above water. Let’s talk about money! Why Cash…