Tag: Podcast

How to Monetize a Podcast

How to Monetize a Podcast. Podcasting is attracting a lot of attention. In 2019, the podcast advertising is projected to exceed $470 million dollars. A lot of people see that number and want their share of it. They start a podcast, make fantastic content, but the dollars don’t roll in. Like blogging, there are some tried and true methods of monetizing a podcast that can help you rake in dollar upon dollar. We also want to touch on some of the lesser-known methods of podcast monetization that could get you an edge up and push you closer to being the…

How to Create an Advertising Media Kit for your Podcast

How to Create an Advertising Media Kit for your Podcast With the explosion in popularity for podcasts, it seems like nearly everyone has started one these days. Launching your own show has never been easier thanks to tools like Anchor.fm and Zencastr (among others). That said, many people who launch a podcast do so with the idea that they’re going to strike it rich by just yakking into a microphone. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that easy. However, it is easier than you might think. If you have a solid advertising media kit that showcases your podcast and its impact among audiences, sponsors will definitely…