Tag: Software

13 Best Open-Source Software Apps for Web Professionals

13 Best Open-Source Software Apps for Web Professionals. Being a web professional means your day is filled with software that does everything from cutting screencaps into pieces to streaming videos on a second monitor. Because of the multitude of apps we use over the course of a work-week, the smartest move we can make is using as much open-source software as possible. Mainly, because it’s free, but also because it lacks the often-included malware and spyware corporate software bundles in. Thanks to communities like GitHub, the quality and quantity of open-source apps has increased dramatically over the years to the point…

The Best Project Management Software

The Best Project Management Software for Your Tasks & Teams. Having project management software in place to help your team meet key deadlines is vital if you want to scale your business. When everyone knows what tasks they need to be working on, who’s assigned to which project, and when deliverables need to be sent to clients, operations can run much more smoothly. There are a lot of fantastic project management plugins out there. However, dedicated software can sometimes be more effective. In this post, we’ll provide a brief introduction to this type of platform, then share nine of the best project management…